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Solar PV powered EV charging station in MATLAB

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Solar PV powered EV charging station in MATLAB

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Today we are going to see about matlab simulation of solar PV powered EV charging station thanks for watching our videos kindly subscribe our channel and also click bell icon for up notification about upcoming videos so this is the block diagram for a solar powered ev charging station so this block diagram consists of pv array along with the dc-dc converter and the mppt algorithm and then standby storage element nothing but battery storage stationary storage element along with the bi-directional dc-dc converter with dc bus voltage controller and they have grid integration grid supply and then it has ev battery with the dc-dc converter okay so in this block diagram means what's working of the ev charging station right so whatever power available in the pv this goes to charge the stationary storage element and also whenever the ev battery ev connected to the charging station right then it going to supply the power to the ev battery as well as going to charge the stationary battery and if suppose there is no power in the solar pv, there is no power generations in pv panel okay during that time on the stationary battery going to be supply the power to the charge ev battery and if suppose there is no power in the pv and then the SOC of the stationary batteries is very low then we can get the power from the grid to charging this stationary battery as well as charge the ev battery and also if suppose we have excess power in the solar pv system and then the battery soc of this battery that mean we have enough charge in the battery then during that time this is going to be this both the PV and this stationary battery going to supply the grid as well as charge the ev batteries okay so this is working on this solar powered ev charging station concept that mean so by using the solar pv array we are going to charge the battery so this is ultimate aim of this work okay today we are going to see about the matlab implementation of this solar pv powered ev charge station so let's let's start with that simulation so this is the simulation we created for a solar pv powered ev charging station right so it consists of solar pv array along with the boost converter right so this is solar pv array and then this is boost converter okay and then we are using ANFIS MPPT here this is ANFIS MPPT it's received two inputs one is irradiation another one is temperature so based upon this irradiation temperature it provide the voltage at maximum power point okay so here we are measuring the pv voltage so this pv voltage is compared with this voltage from that mean voltage reference from the ANFIS MPPT and then it's going to process via PI controller and then process via PWM generator to generate the pulse for this igbt to extract the maximum power for the pv panel okay so here we are another block scope block right so this is used for measuring the pv voltage current and power okay so this is the arrangement of the solar pv system in the solar powered ev charging station.

Next i'm going to explain about that battery okay so this battery going to be Stationary battery this battery going to be act as stationary storage battery is connected by a bi-directional dc-dc converter and then here we are using voltage control method to maintain the dc bus voltage around 500 volt okay so we are going to measure the this dc bus voltage and it's going to be compared with 500 and then when we process the via PI controller then PWM generator generate the pulse for this bi-directional dc-dc converter okay so it's going to control this igbt and how to maintain voltage 500 here okay so this battery going to be act as the stationary battery in this simulation model and here this one is going to be act as ev battery so this is also connected via bi-directional converter along with the voltage control so here also we are going to measure the same bus voltage and then is compared with the 500 volts reference and then when we process PI controller and then PWM generator and it will generate pulse for this igbt so based upon this it will maintain voltage across this dc bus as well as it will take the power from the dc bus okay so here we are having the measurement unit that means here we are measuring battery voltage and current here we have to measure soc and then here we are going to measure the ev battery voltage and current and soc of the ev battery so finally we can see the soc of the battery in this scope okay so next we we are going to discuss about grid so so here we are going to use single phase grid okay so this is single phase inverter connected to the grid via LCL filter okay so here i am going to measure grid voltage and then inverter current so based upon grid voltage and inverter current we are going to share the power from the grid and then to the grid okay so first you have to generate megat based upon the vg by using pll after that we are going to generate and grid control right in grid control we are going to use neural network concept, neural network going to be used for generating the reference current so based upon on PV power and the soc of the stationary storage battery okay so the neural network received these two input soc of the battery and then pv power so based upon these to input, this neural network generate a reference current okay so this reference current it going be converted into dq0 and then actual inverter current going to be converted into dq0 and then it's going to be compared here after that it going to be processed by a pid controller then it's going to be once again converted into dq0 to alpha beat 0 and then we are going to take only alpha quantity to generate the pulse for grid inverter so this pulse is going to control the inverter current flow okay based upon this reference current from the neural network so this simulation model we have created for this solar powered ev charging station It have ANFIS MPPT and neural network based energy management system for a grid integration okay so now i am going to set them here you can see that the soc of the battery is around 90 percentage that means soc of this stationary battery is 90 % and then so soc of the EV battery is 9 percentage so next you have to see the simulation results now you can see that the pv power is around 2000 W right this is that mean this one known as stationary battery voltage and current so because of 90 percentage of soc the battery goes to the discharging mode okay so and also you can see that the PV power have around 2000 watts so now we can see that this is a grid current and in this the inverter current now you can see the soc of the standby battery is decreases from 90 percentage because it is in the discharging mode and then you can see this ev battery so this ev battery voltage and current so the ev battery current you can see that this minus okay so -30 Amps that means in charging mode so here you can see that the SOC of the EV battery start increasing here ev battery and here you can see that the grid power is around minus 200 that mean minus 200 means is taking power from the solar pv and battery so now we can see that the solar pv power is changed from 2000 to 1000 because of changing radiation so because of that what what happened to the battery current you can see the battery current also decreases here and also the sharing of power to the grid right the power here now you can see that this comes to around 400 watts right so the grid receiving only the power around minus that mean 400 watts okay so still that the ev battery is in charging mode right here you can see that still we see that still in charging mode so here you can see the soc standby battery and the ev battery now you can see that pv power right pv power is comes to less than it's around nearly 500 watts right so now you can see that the power feed to the grid is equal to zero okay so here you can see that this is a current of this grid and the inverter current so it's a soc battery current that means soc of the standby battery current so sorry this is this is the current of this standby battery this is the current of this ev battery so for changing that mean changing irradiation condition we check the results now so now you can see that now the pv power comes to less than around 200 watts right so now you can see that grid now goes to supply the that mean grid now supply the power to the dc bus okay here you can see that the grid power goes to positive that means we are taking power from the grid still the standby battery supplying the or discharging and EV battery is charging mode condition next you have to check the process once again the pv power comes to some low value so because of that what happened the grid comes to supply the power some amount according with the pv power production right still this battery that means stationary battery discharging ev battery charging mode condition right so this is working on this model with the condition the soc of the storage battery is 90 percentage and the EV battery is nine percentage so now i am going to change the soc of the stationary battery equal to 40 percentage okay and then once i am going to simulate this model now you can see that so pv power is 2000 same condition it will change according with the irradiation okay so now you can see this uh see there's a battery current of the stationary battery is in positive that mean it is in the discharging mode and then here you can see that ev battery current is minus that mean in charging mode so here you can see that the power is minus okay minus 900 that mean we are that mean the solar pv battery supply the power to the grid and also you can see the soc of the battery so this standby battery is decreasing and ev battery is increasing that means charging mode condition now you can see that based upon this pv power right so now that now what happened that the same the pv that when grid going becomes to supply the power to the dc bus then the power sign is changed to positive that mean that dc bus system system is receiving the power from the grid so this is variation grid voltage and the grid current and inverter current this is dc bus voltage grid voltage grid current inverter current so based upon this pv power right the grid sharing the power right will supply the power so based upon this pv power still the ev battery charging condition so the current flowing through the battery is negative negative means it is in charging mode so you can see in the soc graph right this is the soc of the ev battery is still in increasing manner now the battery power is decreasing because of decreasing irradiation now you can see that the sharing of grid power is supplying the power to the dc bus so because of increasing in dc that mean grid power right the grid supplying the power you can see the the sharing of storage battery the current also decrease right because of this sharing of grid power right so this is the another condition we discussed now that means now the condition is soc is 40 percentage that means soc of the storage is 40 percentage and ev battery soc having less than 10 percentage right so this is a result of this condition okay so next i'm going to change the soc of the storage battery is fixed at 10 percentage now i am going to simulate this model we are going to check the performance of the solar pv powered ev charging station concept now you can see that soc of the standby battery and the soc of the ev battery is keep on increasing okay because both it goes to charging mode because both are having around 10 percentage of the soc so now we can see the performance of the grid side also now you can see that now grid supplying the power right grid supplying the power solar key supplying the power to charge the standby battery as well as ev battery solar pv power is decreasing because of decreasing irradiation so based upon the condition the grid supplying the more power okay this one still storage battery current is negative and ev battery current is negative still the soc of the standby battery and ev battery is increasing nature because it is in charging mode so this is sharing a current of inverter and grid next you can see that so here now the pv power was decreasing because of decreasing irradiation so now you can see that the because of decreasing pv power the grid power is increasing now here so still you can see that storage battery current is negative and ev battery current negative both are in charging mode so battery current is increasing keeping keep on increasing based upon power from the pv and then grid now you can see that the power is decreasing here the pv power so here you can see that the power is increasing in the grid side that means it's supplying the more power so this is working on this solar pv powered ev charging station so this model have ANFIS MPPT and neural network based energy management system so this neural network receive two inputs soc of the standby battery and pv power so based upon this it will generate the current reference so based upon the current reference this inverter will supply the power to the dc bus or receive the power from the dc bus okay so this is the working of solar pv powered ev charging station thanks for watching our videos

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