Using Multiport in Simulink for Signal Selection
1. Setting Up the Model in Simulink
Creating a New Model
Open MATLAB and Simulink
Launch MATLAB and open Simulink by clicking on the Simulink icon.
Create a Blank Model
Click on "Blank Model" to start a new project.
Adding Components
Insert a Multiport Switch
Go to the "Library Browser" and navigate to "Signal Routing."
Drag and drop the "Multiport Switch" block into your model.
Configure the Multiport Switch
The Multiport Switch block consists of two types of ports:
Control Port: Determines which input is selected.
Data Ports: The actual inputs to choose from.
By default, there are three data ports, but you can adjust this to your needs.
2. Connecting Inputs and Outputs
Setting Up Signal Inputs
Add Input Signals
For demonstration, add three different signal sources:
Sine Wave: Set the frequency to 1 kHz and amplitude to 1.
Triangular Wave: Set the frequency to 1 kHz and amplitude to 1.
Square Wave: Set the frequency to 1 kHz and amplitude to 1.
Connect these signals to the data ports of the Multiport Switch.
Add a Control Signal
Use a "Repeating Sequence" block to generate the control signal.
Configure it to output values in a sequence (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 2, 1) with a sample time of 2 seconds.
Connect the Control Signal
Connect the output of the Repeating Sequence block to the control port of the Multiport Switch.
Setting Up the Scope
Add a Scope Block
Drag and drop the "Scope" block into your model.
Connect the output of the Multiport Switch to the scope to visualize the selected signal.
Configure the Scope
Set up the scope with two layouts to view both the control input and the output.
Adjust the scale and style as needed for clarity.
3. Running the Simulation
Configure Simulation Settings
Adjust Simulation Parameters
Go to "Model Configuration Parameters."
Set the maximum step size to 1e-5 for better accuracy.
Run the Simulation
Click the "Run" button to start the simulation.
Observe the results in the scope.
Results and Discussion
Observing Output Changes
When the control signal is 1, the output will be the sine wave.
When the control signal is 2, the output will be the triangular wave.
When the control signal is 3, the output will be the square wave.
The Multiport Switch routes the selected input based on the control signal, allowing you to see the different waveforms as specified.
Output Analysis
The scope will display the selected signal based on the control input, demonstrating how the Multiport Switch routes different signals effectively.